
Poster for the event in Second Life
Poster by Fanny Vermont


Poster by Fanny Vermont


Poster by Fanny Vermont


< P H O T O S T O R Y >

Poster by Fanny Vermont
(Background image from the Album ‘Autoamerican’)


Poster by Fanny Vermont

< P H O T O S T O R Y >

The Sails & Tails Party on Saturday, 24th June 2023, at The Park At Nantucket is the final event of the Summer Sailstice in SL 2023. We will dance and listen to the tunes provided by DJ Patricio. Since also the merfolk are invited, our venue offers a glass dancefloor with an opening in the middle to stay in touch with everyone. You gotta love the underwater grotto!


Dale Irata created an Event entry for the SL participation on the website of the real world event, and you can register for it.
If you have an active account from the past years, and want to show your appreciation for this SL event to the real world, you still have to register anew for Dale’s Event. Your name will be displayed on the site – by no means you have to use RL data.
Everything else of information about the Summer Sailstice 2023 in the real world is given on their website.

Poster for SL Summer Sailstice 2023
Official Poster for the RL event


Friday, 7th April 2023

S P R I N G – F L I N G
with DJ Patricio

2:30 PM SLT @ The Park at Nantucket.

ATTIRE is your Springtime finest, be it an Easter dress for the women, or a sports coat for the guys, set off with coordinated slacks and an accentuating tie.

< P H O T O S T O R Y >

SPRING … It’s a season of hope, holding a promise that change is on the way for the better. Rivers that were frozen will flow again, while those that brought flooding will subside. Spring signifies coming out of the darkness. Longer nights give way to longer days. When daylight and nighttime are equal, the Equinox occurred this year on March 20th, and through the rest of the season, we can benefit from more time spent in the light.

Poster by Fanny Vermont

The English poet Anne Bradstreet wrote, “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. If we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”

Join us at The Park at Nantucket for a Second Life SPRING FLING on April 7th at 2:30 pm SLT. We’ll dance to the music of Patricio Morpath in the Park’s garden, with the mingling fragrance of newly blossomed flowers and the scent of lush green grasses.

ATTIRE is your Springtime finest, be it an Easter dress for the women, or a sports coat for the guys, set off with coordinated slacks and an accentuating tie.

Heather Lane


Friday, 10th February, 2023

with DJ Patricio

Cocktail Attire

3 PM SLT @ The Park at Nantucket

< P H O T O S T O R Y >

Poster by Heathlynn Lane